
When will you offer this course again?

The course is “evergreen” and you can start at any time! Available to you 24/7 online, you can enter the class at anytime as it is a self-directed program of study that you can access for eight months, plus you can download the core materials for continuing use thereafter. You can complete the training in your own timing and at your own pace.

I’ve been planning to come to the Immersion.  What would I be missing by completing this course online?

The online course is exceeding my wildest dreams in terms of bringing the Immersion directly to you.  Quite frankly, it rocks and people are getting great results!  Plus the online academy saves time, travel and money, considerations that often delay people who would like to come to Santa Fe.

The online academy contains all the teachings and exercises of the Immersion in an elegant and accessible format. What you’ll miss is the intimacy of four days with a group of six at the Immersion and my personal on-camera coaching.  Yet you’ll also “miss” having to wait for an opening in an Immersion (we book a few months in advance) as well as the expense, and time and travel of coming to Santa Fe! The price of the online academy is about 20% of the cost of the Immersion when you include tuition and travel.

Some people prefer the focus and commitment of a live course, while others appreciate the time and space and personal processing time that is possible through online learning.  In both formats, you have Gail’s personal support. If you’d like explore the best choice for you, please email gail @ realspeaking.  com to set a time to meet by phone.

Does this course translate to writing and teaching as much as speaking? 

Absolutely. The process leads to clarity and authentic self-expression no matter how you choose to apply it.  And writers and teachers also need to be captivating public speakers, whether to sell books or to convey information so it is memorable. One client, who has taken numerous writing courses, said she gained more focus, compelling stories, and inspiration to move forward from Transformational Speaking than any writing course she has ever taken!

How do I deal with my fear of speaking?  It stops me!  

Stagefright is so common–and I do find that my clients learn to transform it.  A lot goes into that – finding the right practice that puts you in what I call your HomeZone™ and doing the work to truly understand the value of the your original gift and message that won’t be communicated in the world if you don’t step up to do it.

The Online Academy is designed to take you step by step into your place of power and confidence, and each module begins with a practice to get you “home.”  My intention is that each person will find a way to work with fear that transforms it for you!

How will the community calls be structured?

Before each community call, I will ask for questions that have come up so you can send them to me in advance of the call. These questions will be answered first on the call before opening to live Q&A and group coaching.

How long are the community calls?

The calls will be up to one hour, based on the number of questions and the richness of our conversations!

Will I have access to the community calls if I need to miss one?

The call recordings will be posted as part of the course the day following each call.

Does it help to work with  partner or group?

The course is designed to take you through the process on your own, step by step, and our monthly calls  provide the opportunity for questions and individual coaching. If working with a partner  for support and accountability is something you know will keep you on track, you’ll find that many participants are connecting on the Facebook group to invite partnership. You might also consider creating your own “circle of friends” to go through the course together and provide feedback and support, particularly for the self-videos you will be doing as part of each module.

Will there be opportunities to record our speaking and to get feedback?

Each module contains an assignment for a self-video. You’ll watch yourself progress as you go, and if you choose to connect with others in the course or to create a Circle of Friends in your community, you may decide to meet weekly to view your videos and provide feedback.  The course includes guidelines for structure and feedback.

How does the online course differ from the intro class at Omega Institute?

The Omega program is an introductory class that includes brief personal coaching.  The teachings aren’t as extensive as in the online course because at Omega I work with 20 people in less than 12 hours of class time.  The online course will take you through a much more comprehensive process including developing a new talk.

Will the online training be a deeper version of getting the work done from your book, Transformational Speaking?

I recommend my book as a companion guide to the course. The online program has new material, exercises, instructions on dealing with fear of speaking, videos, and assignments to implement the work into your life and your speaking. Plus you have the added benefit of a community on the same journey!

Do you deal with clarity of speech/diction?  What about eye contact and body language?

My foundational teaching, the HomeZone™,  is a step up from the comfort zone to which many speakers aspire. You will learn in the course how speaking from your HomeZone “corrects” many of the speaking challenges speakers typically face.

 What exactly is included in the course? 

 To see what is included in the course module by module, visit “The Course.”  For a list of what your tuition includes, visit the Enrollment page.

 How will improvements be measured?  Is there a self-assessment?

The  orientation process  includes a self-assessment and a self-discovery survey.  Completing these before you enter Module 1 allows you to track your progress as you move  through the course.

 I am ready to accept myself as a speaker, but what do I speak on?  How do I create jobs and speaking gigs for myself?

 The material you are uniquely qualified to speak on comes from your life experience and becomes apparent through the exercises and processes in the course. Module 7 includes information on getting yourself out there as a speaker, from beginning efforts to representation by a speaker’s bureau.

I am shy and tentative and I have the need to speak professionally. How do I learn to be spontaneous and comfortable?

 That’s where the HomeZone™ takes you!  And each module begins with an exercise to alleviate fear and nervousness.  I often think, based on the many shy people who have benefited from Transformational Speaking, that it is public speaking for introverts and highly sensitive people!

 How do I know if I should be speaking or not?

 Are you asked to speak and share your ideas?  Is there something you know if yours to say that is important? It is important to your mission or business to speak to attract support or clients?  If so, speaking is an essential skill!

 I feel discomfort because of the language as English is not my first language. I’m not sure about the grammar, pronouncing, and correct speaking.  How do I overcome this barrier?

 I would not define it as a barrier. In fact, it can be a distinct advantage. Most of us are delighted by accents and appreciate listening to people for whom English is second (or third) language.

Will the online course be a good introduction to the Immersion?

The online training contains the same content and processes as the Immersion.  Many Immersion clients are joining the online course because of the value of the work as they take the next step in their speaking. So it will likely work in reverse!

 Does Gail do private coaching?

I offer private coaching for 911 speaking emergencies and as an additional service to clients who have taken the Immersion or the Online course.  When you begin with the Transformational Speaking training, you have the foundation to trust your true voice and life experience to bring yourself fully to the speaking platform. Then the coaching moves quickly and smoothly.